Meet the GREENPACT 2024 speakers!
Experienced experts, prominent business representatives, well-known investors, distinguished scientists or recognized representatives of public administration. This is how to briefly describe the speakers at the GREENPACT Congress, who will share their cutting-edge insights on topics related to sustainable development on October 29-30.

So far, their participation in the first edition of the GREENPACT Congress has been confirmed by, among others:
- Aneta Korycińska - Founder of the site "Baba from Polish language"
- Anna Larsson - Circular Economy Director at Reloop Platform
- prof. UAM dr hab. Jarema Drozdowicz - pedagogue, anthropologist and sociologist of education
- Giuseppe Ottavianelli - Head of the Earth Observation Applications Section at ESA
- Katarzyna Jedlińska - Fintech Poland
- Kurt Vandenberghe - Director-General of the European Commission's Directorate-General Climate Action (DG CLIMA)
- Dr Lalasia Bialic-Murphy - Lead Scientist in the Crowther Lab at ETH Zürich
- Dr Maciej Bukowski - Doctor of Economics, president of WiseEuropa
- Dr Magdalena Gawrych - Doctor of Medicine, psychologist, psychotherapist, researcher, trainer
- Mateusz Żydek - Randstad Research Institute expert
- Piotr Glen - Head of the Sustainability and ESG Team and secretary of the Rector's Commission on Social Responsibility at Warsaw School of Economics
- Dr Sonia Bucholtz - Energy Forum
- Dr Agata Warchalska-Troll - geographer, a graduate of the Department of Geography at the Jagiellonian University, currently an expert on the environment and climate change at the IRMiR's Urban and Regional Policy Observatory
- Dr inż. Weronika Urbańska - Doctor of engineering, Research and teaching assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Wroclaw University of Technology
- Mateusz Sulwiński - campaign coordinator, Member of the board of directors of the association Stonewall Group