Transforming business for a sustainable future
Karolina Opielewicz, Member of the Board of Directors of the Polish Chamber of Commerce, Director of the Office of Communications and Business Development of the PCC about the GREENPACT European ESG Summit.
“To act to improve climate, natural and social environmental conditions, it is first necessary to understand what is happening around us. Only when we realize that business today is more than a consumer-seller relationship, we will realize the possibilities and impact of businesses on our reality. This is not at all an idea that applies only to large corporations. Every company has an impact on its local environment, on the local community - what it should do is reduce the negative impact and enhance the positive impact. ESG or sustainability is a philosophy of doing business with responsibility at its center. However, this does not mean that we should stop paying attention to profits. The transformation to greener, more equal and friendlier business models is also an opportunity to improve financial health, enhance image, and build a more engaged team of employees.
Change can take place on many levels. Just as talking about ESG should be holistic, both global activities and those limited to small communities deserve attention. At the GREENPACT European ESG Summit, we want to create a space for everyone who believes that the future depends on us, on our daily consumption choices, but also on the direction of our production lines. We don't want, like others, to debate whether this is an opportunity or a challenge - that has been said too many times already. What we care about is creating a coherent vision of the future, and then preparing appropriate and practical tools for its implementation. And because great events require an excellent setting and trusted partners, the GREENPACT European ESG Summit is organized together with the MTP Group - Poznan International Fair, the largest organizer of fairs and events in Central and Eastern Europe. I'm confident that in this format of an event that we have jointly adopted, we will show you a new dimension of ESG, introduce you to inspiring experts you need to know, address topics that may be uncomfortable and ask tough questions - all in order to make the Earth a better place to live now and in the future - because that's what the fight is for”.
Karolina Opielewicz, Member of the Board of Directors of the Polish Chamber of Commerce, Director of the Office of Communications and Business Development of the PCC.