
Ostatni tydzień na rejestrację w programie STARTUP STAGE!

Podziel się

Przypominamy, że start-upy mogą zgłaszać swoje projekty do udziału w STARTUP STAGE w ramach pierwszej edycji GREENPACT European ESG Summit. To wyjątkowa szansa na zaprezentowanie swoich innowacji technologicznych, które wspierają zrównoważony rozwój, neutralność klimatyczną, ochronę bioróżnorodności czy gospodarkę obiegu zamkniętego.

STARTUP STAGE to specjalny program dla start-upów, stworzony we współpracy z Fundacją Startup Hub Poland. Regulamin konkursu dostępny na stronie:

Co musisz wiedzieć o STARTUP STAGE:

  • Wydarzenie odbywa się w ramach GREENPACT European ESG Summit w dniu 30 października.
  • Start-upy mogą wziąć udział w kongresie BEZPŁATNIE korzystając ze specjalnej ścieżki rejestracji. 
  • Wszystkie dyskusje i prezentacje na STARTUP STAGE odbywać się będą w języku angielskim. 


  1. The corporate perspective

opening remarks - 5 min - on what we should expect from this section

1.1. "Hey Corp, are you disappointed with ESG startups or you welcome them?"

PANEL of 4 corporations (different sectors) - 35 min 

- are corporations able to work with startups?

- what is to be gained for corporations?

- how corporations translate their needs to the language of startups / how to communicate corporate ESG challenges?

- does diversity and inclusivity in the office help in understanding startup culture? 

1.2. "Open Innovation unit as a tool to absorb new solutions" - Key-note speech - 15 min  

- what are the best standards for open innovation departments?

- does corporations exploit startup innovations or learn from them?

- can a corporation get a profit from absorbing green-startups' solutions?

- can a corporate employee become an ESG startup founder?

1.3. "Corporate startup contest vs. corporate accelerator - fight" 
Ring “boxing” between 3 pairs: (a) corporations organising  and (b) corporation engaged in acceleration programs - 40 min 

- [In the first round (boxers 1 & 2) the discussion goes with an arbitration of... a startup founder] - 15 minutes

- [In the second round (boxers 3 & 4)  the discussion goes with an arbitration of an accelerator's manager] - 15 minutes

- [last round (between boxers 5 & 6) the third arbiter appears - a person from a CVC / corporate venture capital] - 15 min

- The arbiter stays after the fight in the ring and later goes with a short summary of each fight with a 5 minutes of exclusive talk/summary.

*** coffee break / networking ***   

  1. Venture capital optics

opening remarks - 5 min - on what we should expect from this section

2.1. "Can a VC earn on a ESG startup investment at all?" 

PANEL of 4 venture capital managing partners (different ESG sectors) - 35 min 

2.2. "Why and how funds-of-funds push towards ESG investments?"
perspective of PFR Ventures / Green Hub and European Investment Funds

Moderated presentations of two speakers (each thesis of 3 minutes, then shift to the second speaker, and so on, US presidential election style) - 30 min  

2.3. "What are the trends in ESG investing?"
PANEL of 3 international super-star investors - 35 min

2.4. "3 formal principles when it comes to VC-startup transactions in ESG" - Key-note speech - 15 min     

*** coffee break / networking *** 

  1. A startup founders' view

opening remarks - 5 min - on what we should expect from this section

3.1. "We are the real ESG! Don't greenwash your brands with us – just work with us!" 

PANEL of 3-4 CEE startups (different ESG sectors)

- how your technology contribute to the a sustainable future?

- what ESG/green-tech/circular startups need today. In Poland and in Europe 

- how many times you got a "no" for an answer from investors and corporations - harsh cases and experiences

3.2. "Can startups help their b2b clients become greener here and now?"

3 keynotes of top CEE startups which didn't make it to the final pitches - 20 min (3x6 min)

3.3. "How to deliver a great ESG-ready startup pitch to melt every investor's heart?" - Key-note speech - 15 min      

3.4 "GreenPact Startup competition: can startups save us?"

- Demo Day with Jury: 5-6 top startups, every has 4 minutes + 2 min for Q&A with Jury.

- Popular voting results

- Final results from the Jury + decoration

- Final words from the winers

3.5 Closing remarks by KIG & SHP

Zgłaszanie projektów do konkursu jest możliwe jedynie do 16.10.2024 roku (do godziny 23:59 czasu warszawskiego)!